Sunday, June 13, 2010

Back From the Shadowy Underworld

Been gone, disappeared; I know I know I know. Things to mention ...

Doctor Who is awesome, seeing as it's a show I have never watched until my friends started talking about the current season, and so I watched OLD stuff - the 1963 stuff - as well as the contemporary Doctor Who. Love it. And so pleased it lasts for longer than three precious seasons (like Star Trek. Hisssssssssssssssss).

I am writing and writing and there's stuff you can see on Look for Lihua! There is of course also I make it a point to respond to your comments.

And ahm. Let's see. I'm working at a science lab. Cool, no? Yes, coolness. I like it even if it is mostly measuring salts. But measuring salts is cool, and you all know it.

Anything else? Yes, but right now I don't want to blather.



  1. I need to check out some of your writing! I've been so terribly behind on things lately. I attended several writing panels at a con recently, so, now I'm feeling like I need to write more. We'll see if I can make it happen, though. Hurray for another fan of the Doctor!! And of course measuring salts is cool!:D


  2. No worries, Laura, and I am most certainly pleased to have joined your Doctor Who ranks.
